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Student Nominations: Step-By-Step
Step 1: Educate the Student Population Who is Hope Squad? What do they do? You can ask faculty who teach courses every student takes (English, math) to play the whiteboard video at the beginning of their class. You can also ask all homeroom teachers ...
Where can I find the surveys? (Video)
Watch this video here: Surveys can be found in two places: 1. Navigate to Getting Started then scroll down to "Step 6 Hold 2nd Meeting with Hope Squad Members". The surveys can be found highlighted in red boxes below. 2. The surveys are also ...
What if a parent doesn’t return the permission form?
First, you should try reaching out to the parent/guardian again. In some cases, they will not have the resources (Wi-Fi, a printer, live too far from town, etc.) to return the form themselves, in this case, follow the guidelines that your school ...
What do Squad Members learn?
Hope Squad Members are trained to recognize warning signs of suicide in their peers, reach out, and refer their peers to trusted adults. They are not taught to act as counselors, but rather how to support their peers by encouraging them to get help. ...
Does every Advisor need to participate in a Licensed Advisor Training?
Yes, all Advisors must complete a Licensed Advisor Training. Access the new advisor form here: Advisor Form