Advisors: Additional and Replacements

Advisors: Additional and Replacements

One of the Pillars of a successful Hope Squad Program is gaining strong support from the faculty and staff of the school. Training the faculty and staff about the Hope Squad Program, how it operates, and how we can successfully integrate it into the culture of the school will build a strong program for years to come. It is extremely important for the faculty and staff to support the Hope Squad Members and to understand the positive impact of a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. 

What is covered in the training?
The Licensed Advisor training provides Hope Squad Advisors with the tools they need to run a successful Squad. The course teaches Advisors the basics of suicide prevention, what a Hope Squad is, and the Hope Squad process. By the end of the Advisor training, Advisors will understand how to execute the program and maintain program fidelity.

Does every Advisor need to participate in a Licensed Advisor Training?
Yes, all Advisors must complete a Licensed Advisor Training.

Who can be an Advisor?
A suitable Advisor is someone trusted by students and someone who students feel comfortable going to when in need of help. Typically, counselors and social workers are Advisors; however, staff or teachers with a passion for mental health and youth may also apply. If you're seeking additional Advisors, consider announcing during a faculty meeting that you are in need of more support. Some faculty and staff members may be passionate about suicide prevention or have personal or familial experiences, motivating them to get involved. We have had custodians, food-service personnel, and even members of the administration and school resource officers serve as Advisors. 

How many Advisors should we have?
Having an adequate number of Advisors is essential for the sustainability and effectiveness of the program. A higher number of Advisors not only enhances the program's sustainability but also makes it more manageable for the Advisors involved. We have Hope Squads with Advisors ranging from 2-10.

The school administration and lead Hope Squad Advisor should determine the number of Advisors based on the following:
  1. Size of the school
  2. Possible size of the Hope Squad
  3. Grade levels
  4. Advisor availability.
What are the Advisor(s) responsibilities?
  1. Organizing and running a Hope Squad with fidelity.
  2. Presenting the program to the faculty/staff.
  3. Selecting Squad Members and obtaining parent permission.
  4. Teaching the Hope Squad curriculum.
  5. Maintaining contact with Squad Members and monitoring their self-care needs.
  6. Administering surveys and collecting data. Ensuring the completion of the Mental Health Referral Form, as well as Member pre- and post-surveys.
  7. Supervising Hope Squad activities.
How can I sign up or add an additional Advisor to a Licensed Advisor Training?
Prerequisite: School has purchased the Hope Squad program.
  1. Submit an Advisor Form
  2. After submitting an Advisor Form our Hope Squad Training staff will be in contact.
How can my school replace an Advisor with someone new?
For the standard and premium programming options, Advisors may be replaced at no additional cost for the first two and three years, respectively. To schedule a replacement Advisor training during this period: 
  1. Complete the replacement Advisors' section of the Advisor Form
  2. After submitting an Advisor Form, our Hope Squad Training staff member will be in contact.
I would like to train 7+ Advisors. Can I schedule a group training?
Prerequisite: School has purchased the Hope Squad program.
  1. Complete the additional Advisors section of the Advisor Form
    1. UnderTraining Select, select On-site Training.
  2. After submitting an Advisor Form our Hope Squad Training staff member will be in contact.

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