New Advisor Portal & Curriculum Access

New Advisor Portal & Curriculum Access

What is the Hope Squad Advisor Portal?
We are dedicated to the success of each Hope Squad and commit to providing resources that will further support Advisors during implementation and ongoing stages. In the Hope Squad Advisor Portal the following resources can be found:
  1. Grade-level appropriate lessons that are simple to facilitate
  2. Supplemental lessons for bonus content
  3. Parent manuals and family resources
  4. Access to the online Hope Squad Community of Advisors
  5. Hope Week implementation ideas and resources
  6. Monthly Hope Squad newsletters and support calls
  7. Grant and Research support
  8. Technical assistance and support
When does an Advisor receive access to curriculum and the Advisor Portal?
Hope Squad Advisors are given access to the curriculum and the Advisor Portal 2-6 days before their training date. An Advisor must be registered for training to receive access. To maintain access Advisors must attend and complete the Licensed Advisor Training.

How can my school upgrade the curriculum type (basic, standard, premium)?
Please email

I completed the Licensed Advisor Training but I am missing a year or grade level of the Hope Squad curriculum:

Where can I find a downloadable Hope Squad Lifesaver Logo?
Navigate to Squad Success and scroll down to the “Hope Squad for the Whole School” section. Besides the school-wide lessons, you'll find the Lifesaver logo.

Where can I access the Mental Health Referral Form?
Head to Squad Success and scroll past the Hope Squad for the Whole School section. Below, you can access the Mental Health Referral Form.

Where can I find the Hope Squad curriculum in the Advisor Portal?
Click on the “Home” Page (also the portal landing page), and scroll down to the “Your Hope Squad curriculum” section. You'll find the curriculum provided by your Hope Squad. Click “View Product.”

I am looking for a step-by-step guide after completing the Licensed Advisor Training:
  1. Or Navigate to the “Getting Started” tab. Here, you'll discover resources such as:
  1. Meeting with Administration (Principal Agreement & faculty introductory materials)
  2. Meet with other Hope Squad Advisors (Student Nomination Video)
  3. Facilitate & Review Nominations (Sample Congratulation Letter & Sample Member Contract).
  4. Scheduling & Conducting the First Meeting with Nominated Students (Parent Permission Form; available in Spanish & English)
  5. Conducting Prospective Parent/Guardian Meetings (Parent Presentations & Community Letters).
  6. Conducting the Second Meeting with Hope Squad Members (Elementary & Secondary Pre-surveys, QR codes to Mental Health Referral Form and surveys).
How do I log into the Advisor Community?
You can access the Hope Squad Advisor Community by:
• Scroll to the end of the Getting Started tab OR
• Visit the Squad Success Tab and scroll down to the Connect with Other Advisors Section OR
• Navigate to the Schedule & Events tab and click on "register for support calls." You will be redirected to the Advisor Community.
Where can I find Hope Squad Officer Guides?
To find the Hope Squad Officer Guides, click on Squad Success and select the Hope Squad Officer Guide under Guides. There, you'll find detailed information about various Hope Squad Officer roles, including:
  1. President’s Guide
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Social Media
  5. Grade Representative Guide
  6. Event Coordinator Guide
  7. Fundraising Coordinator
  8. Historian
  9. Publicist
  10. Student Relation’s
Where can I find the Hope Squad school-wide curriculum?
To access the Hope Squad school-wide curriculum, click on Squad Success and scroll down to the Hope Squad for the Whole School section. There, you will find eight school-wide Hope Squad lessons, as well as the following resources: curriculum manual, advisor guidebook, instructor training PowerPoint, parent guidebook, faculty and staff training PowerPoint, and a resource sheet.

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