Do Hope Squads offer tier 1 Prevention?

Do Hope Squads offer tier 1 Prevention?

Tier 1 - Primary prevention: Intentional observation and engagement; being seen and knowing what to say is half the battle

Elementary & secondary programs teach Squad Members acute observation and peer-to-peer engagement skills. With an emphasis on intentionality, Squad Members interact with the entire school community providing a bridge of support and encouragement. Activities such as Hope Week, Hope Squad days, and campus weekly announcements weave the message into a campus culture that support is accessible and normalized for all. Monthly activities provide consistent messaging around mental wellness and reducing stigma around seeking help. 

Tier 2 - Secondary prevention: supporting those at higher risk of experiencing mental health problems.... 

Squad Members gain confidence through extensive training to purposefully engage students who appear to be struggling and direct them to the help needed. Hope Squad as a platform, holistically teaches students, in the Squad and school-wide, about the mental health resources available and addresses the stigma surrounding seeking help. Hope Squad Members are taught to stand in the gap for students whom they have a concern and to contact a trusted adult for professional support. 


Tier 3 - Tertiary prevention: helping people living with mental health problems to stay well. 

Hope Squads have a partnership with the local mental health agency and/or other community agencies. This partnership assists in timely support and eases the stigma surrounding treatment both long and short term, for mental health concerns. A collateral benefit is realized with school staff, as they too hear the message of support and how to access resources. 

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