How do you educate the community, so they are clear about what Hope Squads are and what they are not?

How do you educate the community, so they are clear about what Hope Squads are and what they are not?

When providing training for schools or community groups always include information about Hope Squads and what the Squad(s) are doing at the local schools. In the trainings, show the 'What is Hope Squad?' video and explain what Squads are. Have the Squads participate in local community events such as: setting up a table and giving out lifesavers with positive sayings, participating in community events while wearing Hope Squad shirts, sharing the monthly mental health newsletter and mentioning what Hope Squads are doing, being active on social media, etc.


Encourage community members to visit, the official Hope Squad website. We highly recommend that schools include a link to the Hope Squad website on their school or district websites. Within the Advisor Portal, under the "Getting Started" tab, you'll find sample community letters to share with the school community. 

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