I completed the Licensed Advisor Training, but I am missing a year or grade level of the Hope Squad curriculum
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When does an Advisor receive access to curriculum and the Advisor Portal?
Hope Squad Advisors are given access to the curriculum and the Advisor Portal 7 days before their training date. An Advisor must be registered for training to receive access. To maintain access Advisors must attend and complete the Licensed Advisor ...
What is the Hope Squad Advisor Portal?
The Advisor Portal is a tool provided to give each advisor the support and resources they need to successfully help, teach, and train their Squads. In the Hope Squad Advisor Portal, the following resources can be found: Grade-level appropriate ...
What is required to be a Hope Squad Advisor?
Advisors must have approval from administration and need to complete the following to become a Hope Squad Advisor and have access to the Advisor Portal and Hope Squad Curriculum: Licensed Advisor Training Gatekeeping Training (through QPR Institute ...
How can I sign up or add an additional Advisor to a Licensed Advisor Training?
Prerequisite: School has purchased the Hope Squad program. To sign up or add an additional advisor submit a request here on this form: Advisor Form. After submitting an Advisor Form our Hope Squad Training staff will be in contact.
What is Advisor Gatekeeper Training? (Video)
Reference below for a video to answer the question "What is Advisor Gatekeeper Training and where do I upload certification?" What is Advisor Gatekeeper Training? Hope Squad used to require each school district to have 1 QPR certified trainer. We ...