Nominations: How do you pick your Hope Squad? What should you look out for?

Nominations: How do you pick your Hope Squad? What should you look out for?

Please consider the following guidelines:
  • After you collect your results, each Advisor should go through and review the selections. Who are the top chosen individuals? Are they good listeners, easy to talk to, or do they intend to engage in bullying behavior? 

  •  Are all school demographics (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.) represented? Do you have athletes, band kids, the tech club, etc.? Are all grades represented? 

  • Check with your counselors. Have any of the top selections had mental health issues in the past that may make it hard for them to support others? 

  • Review the group with the principal for final approval.  

If you have additional questions, please email us at or call us at 801-342-3444