What is a Hope Squad?

What is a Hope Squad?

A Hope Squad is a school-based, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program that empowers trained and mentored students, who were nominated by their peers, to provide intentional outreach with their fellow students. Supported by the community and designated Advisors at the school, a Hope Squad: 
  1. Empowers the natural helpers in the school through peer-to-peer suicide prevention training
  2. Raises awareness of mental health and youth suicide prevention resources
  3. Educates students on how to recognize suicide warning signs and respectfully report concerns
  4. Trains students how to support fellow students who may be struggling
  5. Increases connectedness, inclusion, and social-emotional learning skills
  6. Increases help-seeking behaviors promoting school-wide safety
  7. Promotes monthly themes that advocate for school-wide mental health

Below are a few videos to give you more insight on the company and the goals of our work. 

Ready to learn how you can bring a Hope Squad to your school or district? Contact Us 
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