Where can I find the Mental Health Referral Form? (Video)

Where can I find the Mental Health Referral Form? (Video)

Watch this video to find out where to find the Mental Health Referral Form:

Mental Health Referral Forms can be found in two places:

1. Navigate to Getting Started then scroll down to "Step 6 Hold 2nd Meeting with Hope Squad Members". Select the red folder icon next to "QR Codes for Surveys & Mental Health Referral Form". This will open a Powerpoint presentation where you can find a QR code on slide 4 of the presentation where you can access that form. 

2. The surveys are also available in Squad Success. Navigate to Squad Success then scroll down about half-way down the page to the section called "Pre and Post Survey Links". Select the red bar that says, "Pre and Post Survey Links". A red dropdown menu should appear with a link to a PowerPoint presentation that includes QR codes for each survey. The QR code for the Mental Health Referral Form can be found on slide 4 of the presentation. 

To get more information about how to get your school's Mental Health Referral Data refer to this article: How do I get my school's survey and mental health referral form data?

Please email support@hopesquad.com or call 801-342-3444 if you have additional questions. Thank you! 

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