Community Questions
What is Hope Squad?
Hope Squad is a school-based, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program that empowers, trains, and mentors students, who were nominated by their peers, to recognize suicide warning signs and report them to trusted adults. Supported by the community and ...
Do Hope Squads offer tier 1 Prevention?
Tier 1 - Primary prevention: Intentional observation and engagement; being seen and knowing what to say is half the battle Elementary & secondary programs teach Squad Members acute observation and peer-to-peer engagement skills. With an emphasis on ...
What can a mental health agency offer to the School or Squad?
The mental health agency can assist with crisis response, developing a mental health referral plan, and could provide QPR training. Some agencies have even supplied funding for the Hope Squad program or will send therapists to the schools If you have ...
How can I find my local mental health agency?
Some school districts may already have a partnership with a mental health agency or are aware of the services provided. We recommend checking with your school district to see what is already in place. If the district does not have a partnership, ...
Why does Hope Squad require a mental health partnership?
One of the benefits of having a Hope Squad is that the program offers a holistic approach to suicide prevention. Having a successful Hope Squad means getting the community, administration, mental health partners, parents, and faculty/staff involved. ...